class SQLite3::Database
Overview¶ ↑
The Database
class encapsulates a single connection to a SQLite3
database. Here’s a straightforward example of usage:
require 'sqlite3' "data.db" ) do |db| db.execute( "select * from table" ) do |row| p row end end
It wraps the lower-level methods provided by the selected driver, and includes the Pragmas
module for access to various pragma convenience methods.
The Database
class provides type translation services as well, by which the SQLite3
data types (which are all represented as strings) may be converted into their corresponding types (as defined in the schemas for their tables). This translation only occurs when querying data from the database–insertions and updates are all still typeless.
Furthermore, the Database
class has been designed to work well with the ArrayFields module from Ara Howard. If you require the ArrayFields module before performing a query, and if you have not enabled results as hashes, then the results will all be indexible by field name.
Thread safety¶ ↑
When SQLite3.threadsafe?
returns true, it is safe to share instances of the database class among threads without adding specific locking. Other object instances may require applications to provide their own locks if they are to be shared among threads. Please see the for more information.
SQLite Extensions¶ ↑
supports the universe of sqlite extensions. It’s possible to load an extension into an existing Database
object using the load_extension
method and passing a filesystem path:
db =":memory:") db.enable_load_extension(true) db.load_extension("/path/to/extension")
As of v2.4.0, it’s also possible to pass an object that responds to to_path. This documentation will refer to the supported interface as _ExtensionSpecifier
, which can be expressed in RBS syntax as:
interface _ExtensionSpecifier def to_path: () → String end
So, for example, if you are using the sqlean gem which provides modules that implement this interface, you can pass the module directly:
db =":memory:") db.enable_load_extension(true) db.load_extension(SQLean::Crypto)
It’s also possible in v2.4.0+ to load extensions via the SQLite3::Database
constructor by using the extensions:
keyword argument to pass an array of String
paths or extension specifiers:
db =":memory:", extensions: ["/path/to/extension", SQLean::Crypto])
Note that when loading extensions via the constructor, there is no need to call enable_load_extension
; however it is still necessary to call enable_load_extensions before any subsequently invocations of load_extension
on the initialized Database
You can load extensions in a Rails application by using the extensions:
configuration option:
# config/database.yml development: adapter: sqlite3 extensions: - .sqlpkg/nalgeon/crypto/ # a filesystem path - <%= SQLean::UUID.to_path %> # or ruby code returning a path
A boolean that indicates whether rows in result sets should be returned as hashes or not. By default, rows are returned as arrays.
Public Class Methods
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 464 def self.finalize(&block) define_method(:finalize_with_ctx, &block) end
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 141 def initialize file, options = {}, zvfs = nil mode = Constants::Open::READWRITE | Constants::Open::CREATE file = file.to_path if file.respond_to? :to_path if file.encoding == ::Encoding::UTF_16LE || file.encoding == ::Encoding::UTF_16BE || options[:utf16] open16 file else # The three primary flag values for sqlite3_open_v2 are: # SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY # SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE # SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE -- always used for sqlite3_open and sqlite3_open16 mode = Constants::Open::READONLY if options[:readonly] if options[:readwrite] raise "conflicting options: readonly and readwrite" if options[:readonly] mode = Constants::Open::READWRITE end if options[:flags] if options[:readonly] || options[:readwrite] raise "conflicting options: flags with readonly and/or readwrite" end mode = options[:flags] end open_v2 file.encode("utf-8"), mode, zvfs if options[:strict] disable_quirk_mode end end @tracefunc = nil @authorizer = nil @progress_handler = nil @collations = {} @functions = {} @results_as_hash = options[:results_as_hash] @readonly = mode & Constants::Open::READONLY != 0 @default_transaction_mode = options[:default_transaction_mode] || :deferred initialize_extensions(options[:extensions]) ForkSafety.track(self) if block_given? begin yield self ensure close end end end
Create a new Database
object that opens the given file.
Supported permissions options
the default mode is
boolean (default false), true to set the mode toREADONLY
boolean (default false), true to set the mode toREADWRITE
set the mode to a combination ofSQLite3::Constants::Open
Supported encoding options
(default false), is the filename’s encoding UTF-16 (only needed if the filename encoding is not UTF_16LE or BE)
Other supported options
(default false), disallow the use of double-quoted string literals (see -
(default false), return rows as hashes instead of arrays -
one of:deferred
, or:exclusive
. If a mode is not specified in a call totransaction
, this will be the default transaction mode. -
Array[String | _ExtensionSpecifier]
SQLite extensions to load into the database. See SQLite Extensions atDatabase
for more information.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 95 def open(*args) database = new(*args) if block_given? begin yield database ensure database.close end else database end end
Without block works exactly as new. With block, like new closes the database at the end, but unlike new returns the result of the block instead of the database instance.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 112 def quote(string) string.gsub("'", "''") end
Quotes the given string, making it safe to use in an SQL statement. It replaces all instances of the single-quote character with two single-quote characters. The modified string is returned.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 460 def self.step(&block) define_method(:step_with_ctx, &block) end
Public Instance Methods
static VALUE busy_handler(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; VALUE block; int status; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &block); if (NIL_P(block) && rb_block_given_p()) { block = rb_block_proc(); } RB_OBJ_WRITE(self, &ctx->busy_handler, block); status = sqlite3_busy_handler( ctx->db, NIL_P(block) ? NULL : rb_sqlite3_busy_handler, (void *)ctx ); CHECK(ctx->db, status); return self; }
Register a busy handler with this database instance. When a requested resource is busy, this handler will be invoked. If the handler returns false
, the operation will be aborted; otherwise, the resource will be requested again.
The handler will be invoked with the name of the resource that was busy, and the number of times it has been retried.
See also the mutually exclusive busy_timeout
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 692 def busy_handler_timeout=(milliseconds) timeout_seconds = milliseconds.fdiv(1000) busy_handler do |count| now = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) if @timeout_deadline = now + timeout_seconds elsif now > @timeout_deadline next false else sleep(0.001) end end end
Sets a busy_handler
that releases the GVL between retries, but only retries up to the indicated number of milliseconds
. This is an alternative to busy_timeout
, which holds the GVL while SQLite sleeps and retries.
static VALUE changes(VALUE self) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); return INT2NUM(sqlite3_changes(ctx->db)); }
Returns the number of changes made to this database instance by the last operation performed. Note that a “delete from table” without a where clause will not affect this value.
static VALUE sqlite3_rb_close(VALUE self) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); close_or_discard_db(ctx); rb_iv_set(self, "-aggregators", Qnil); return self; }
Close the database and release all associated resources.
⚠ Writable connections that are carried across a fork()
are not completely closed. Sqlite does not support forking, and fully closing a writable connection that has been carried across a fork may corrupt the database. Since it is an incomplete close, not all memory resources are freed, but this is safer than risking data loss.
See adr/ for more information on fork safety.
static VALUE closed_p(VALUE self) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); if (!ctx->db) { return Qtrue; } return Qfalse; }
Returns true
if this database instance has been closed (see close
static VALUE collation(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE comparator) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); CHECK(ctx->db, sqlite3_create_collation( ctx->db, StringValuePtr(name), SQLITE_UTF8, (void *)comparator, NIL_P(comparator) ? NULL : rb_comparator_func)); /* Make sure our comparator doesn't get garbage collected. */ rb_hash_aset(rb_iv_get(self, "@collations"), name, comparator); return self; }
Add a collation with name name
, and a comparator
object. The comparator
object should implement a method called “compare” that takes two parameters and returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than 0.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 668 def commit execute "commit transaction" true end
Commits the current transaction. If there is no current transaction, this will cause an error to be raised. This returns true
, in order to allow it to be used in idioms like abort? and rollback or commit
static VALUE complete_p(VALUE UNUSED(self), VALUE sql) { if (sqlite3_complete(StringValuePtr(sql))) { return Qtrue; } return Qfalse; }
Return true
if the string is a valid (ie, parsable) SQL statement, and false
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 456 def create_aggregate(name, arity, step = nil, finalize = nil, text_rep = Constants::TextRep::ANY, &block) proxy = do def self.step(&block) define_method(:step_with_ctx, &block) end def self.finalize(&block) define_method(:finalize_with_ctx, &block) end end if block proxy.instance_eval(&block) else proxy.class_eval do define_method(:step_with_ctx, step) define_method(:finalize_with_ctx, finalize) end end proxy.class_eval do # class instance variables @name = name @arity = arity def @name end def self.arity @arity end def initialize @ctx = end def step(*args) step_with_ctx(@ctx, *args) end def finalize finalize_with_ctx(@ctx) @ctx.result end end define_aggregator2(proxy, name) end
Creates a new aggregate function for use in SQL statements. Aggregate functions are functions that apply over every row in the result set, instead of over just a single row. (A very common aggregate function is the “count” function, for determining the number of rows that match a query.)
The new function will be added as name
, with the given arity
. (For variable arity functions, use -1 for the arity.)
The step
parameter must be a proc object that accepts as its first parameter a FunctionProxy
instance (representing the function invocation), with any subsequent parameters (up to the function’s arity). The step
callback will be invoked once for each row of the result set.
The finalize
parameter must be a proc
object that accepts only a single parameter, the FunctionProxy
instance representing the current function invocation. It should invoke FunctionProxy#result=
to store the result of the function.
db.create_aggregate( "lengths", 1 ) do step do |func, value| func[ :total ] ||= 0 func[ :total ] += ( value ? value.length : 0 ) end finalize do |func| func.result = func[ :total ] || 0 end end puts db.get_first_value( "select lengths(name) from table" )
See also create_aggregate_handler
for a more object-oriented approach to aggregate functions.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 554 def create_aggregate_handler(handler) # This is a compatibility shim so the (basically pointless) FunctionProxy # "ctx" object is passed as first argument to both step() and finalize(). # Now its up to the library user whether he prefers to store his # temporaries as instance variables or fields in the FunctionProxy. # The library user still must set the result value with # FunctionProxy.result= as there is no backwards compatible way to # change this. proxy = do def initialize super @fp = end def step(*args) super(@fp, *args) end def finalize super(@fp) @fp.result end end define_aggregator2(proxy, self end
This is another approach to creating an aggregate function (see create_aggregate
). Instead of explicitly specifying the name, callbacks, arity, and type, you specify a factory object (the “handler”) that knows how to obtain all of that information. The handler should respond to the following messages:
corresponds to the
parameter ofcreate_aggregate
. This message is optional, and if the handler does not respond to it, the function will have an arity of -1. name
this is the name of the function. The handler must implement this message.
this must be implemented by the handler. It should return a new instance of the object that will handle a specific invocation of the function.
The handler instance (the object returned by the new
message, described above), must respond to the following messages:
this is the method that will be called for each step of the aggregate function’s evaluation. It should implement the same signature as the
callback forcreate_aggregate
. finalize
this is the method that will be called to finalize the aggregate function’s evaluation. It should implement the same signature as the
callback forcreate_aggregate
class LengthsAggregateHandler def self.arity; 1; end def; 'lengths'; end def initialize @total = 0 end def step( ctx, name ) @total += ( name ? name.length : 0 ) end def finalize( ctx ) ctx.result = @total end end db.create_aggregate_handler( LengthsAggregateHandler ) puts db.get_first_value( "select lengths(name) from A" )
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 411 def create_function name, arity, text_rep = Constants::TextRep::UTF8, &block define_function_with_flags(name, text_rep) do |*args| fp =, *args) fp.result end self end
Creates a new function for use in SQL statements. It will be added as name
, with the given arity
. (For variable arity functions, use -1 for the arity.)
The block should accept at least one parameter–the FunctionProxy
instance that wraps this function invocation–and any other arguments it needs (up to its arity).
The block does not return a value directly. Instead, it will invoke the FunctionProxy#result=
method on the func
parameter and indicate the return value that way.
db.create_function( "maim", 1 ) do |func, value| if value.nil? func.result = nil else func.result = value.split(//).sort.join end end puts db.get_first_value( "select maim(name) from table" )
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 591 def define_aggregator(name, aggregator) # Previously, this has been implemented in C. Now this is just yet # another compatibility shim proxy = do @template = aggregator @name = name def self.template @template end def @name end def self.arity # this is what sqlite3_obj_method_arity did before @template.method(:step).arity end def initialize @klass = self.class.template.clone end def step(*args) @klass.step(*args) end def finalize @klass.finalize end end define_aggregator2(proxy, name) self end
Define an aggregate function named name
using a object template object aggregator
. aggregator
must respond to step
and finalize
. step
will be called with row information and finalize
must return the return value for the aggregator function.
_API Change:_ aggregator
must also implement clone
. The provided aggregator
object will serve as template that is cloned to provide the individual instances of the aggregate function. Regular ruby objects already provide a suitable clone
. The functions arity is the arity of the step
static VALUE define_function(VALUE self, VALUE name) { return define_function_with_flags(self, name, INT2FIX(SQLITE_UTF8)); }
Define a function named name
with args
. The arity of the block will be used as the arity for the function defined.
static VALUE define_function_with_flags(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE flags) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; VALUE block; int status; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); block = rb_block_proc(); status = sqlite3_create_function( ctx->db, StringValuePtr(name), rb_proc_arity(block), NUM2INT(flags), (void *)block, rb_sqlite3_func, NULL, NULL ); CHECK(ctx->db, status); rb_hash_aset(rb_iv_get(self, "@functions"), name, block); return self; }
Define a function named name
with args
using TextRep bitflags flags
. The arity of the block will be used as the arity for the function defined.
static VALUE enable_load_extension(VALUE self, VALUE onoff) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; int onoffparam; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); if (Qtrue == onoff) { onoffparam = 1; } else if (Qfalse == onoff) { onoffparam = 0; } else { onoffparam = (int)NUM2INT(onoff); } CHECK(ctx->db, sqlite3_enable_load_extension(ctx->db, onoffparam)); return self; }
Enable or disable extension loading.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 198 def encoding prepare("PRAGMA encoding") { |stmt| Encoding.find(stmt.first.first) } end
Fetch the encoding set on this database
static VALUE errcode_(VALUE self) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); return INT2NUM(sqlite3_errcode(ctx->db)); }
Return an integer representing the last error to have occurred with this database.
static VALUE errmsg(VALUE self) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); return rb_str_new2(sqlite3_errmsg(ctx->db)); }
Return a string describing the last error to have occurred with this database.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 247 def execute sql, bind_vars = [], &block prepare(sql) do |stmt| stmt.bind_params(bind_vars) stmt = build_result_set stmt if block stmt.each do |row| yield row end else stmt.to_a.freeze end end end
Executes the given SQL statement. If additional parameters are given, they are treated as bind variables, and are bound to the placeholders in the query.
Note that if any of the values passed to this are hashes, then the key/value pairs are each bound separately, with the key being used as the name of the placeholder to bind the value to.
The block is optional. If given, it will be invoked for each row returned by the query. Otherwise, any results are accumulated into an array and returned wholesale.
See also execute2
, query
, and execute_batch
for additional ways of executing statements.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 272 def execute2(sql, *bind_vars) prepare(sql) do |stmt| result = stmt.execute(*bind_vars) if block_given? yield stmt.columns result.each { |row| yield row } else return result.each_with_object([stmt.columns]) { |row, arr| arr << row } end end end
Executes the given SQL statement, exactly as with execute
. However, the first row returned (either via the block, or in the returned array) is always the names of the columns. Subsequent rows correspond to the data from the result set.
Thus, even if the query itself returns no rows, this method will always return at least one row–the names of the columns.
See also execute
, query
, and execute_batch
for additional ways of executing statements.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 296 def execute_batch(sql, bind_vars = []) sql = sql.strip result = nil until sql.empty? prepare(sql) do |stmt| unless stmt.closed? # FIXME: this should probably use sqlite3's api for batch execution # This implementation requires stepping over the results. if bind_vars.length == stmt.bind_parameter_count stmt.bind_params(bind_vars) end result = stmt.step end sql = stmt.remainder.strip end end result end
Executes all SQL statements in the given string. By contrast, the other means of executing queries will only execute the first statement in the string, ignoring all subsequent statements. This will execute each one in turn. The same bind parameters, if given, will be applied to each statement.
This always returns the result of the last statement.
See also execute_batch2
for additional ways of executing statements.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 329 def execute_batch2(sql, &block) if block result = exec_batch(sql, @results_as_hash) do |val| yield val end else exec_batch(sql, @results_as_hash) end end
Executes all SQL statements in the given string. By contrast, the other means of executing queries will only execute the first statement in the string, ignoring all subsequent statements. This will execute each one in turn. Bind parameters cannot be passed to execute_batch2
If a query is made, all values will be returned as strings. If no query is made, an empty array will be returned.
Because all values except for ‘NULL’ are returned as strings, a block can be passed to parse the values accordingly.
See also execute_batch
for additional ways of executing statements.
static VALUE set_extended_result_codes(VALUE self, VALUE enable) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); CHECK(ctx->db, sqlite3_extended_result_codes(ctx->db, RTEST(enable) ? 1 : 0)); return self; }
Enable extended result codes in SQLite. These result codes allow for more detailed exception reporting, such a which type of constraint is violated.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 229 def filename db_name = "main" db_filename db_name end
Returns the filename for the database named db_name
. db_name
defaults to “main”. Main return ‘nil` or an empty string if the database is temporary or in-memory.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 499 def finalize finalize_with_ctx(@ctx) @ctx.result end
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 368 def get_first_row(sql, *bind_vars) execute(sql, *bind_vars).first end
A convenience method for obtaining the first row of a result set, and discarding all others. It is otherwise identical to execute
See also get_first_value
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 377 def get_first_value(sql, *bind_vars) query(sql, bind_vars) do |rs| if (row = return @results_as_hash ? row[rs.columns[0]] : row[0] end end nil end
A convenience method for obtaining the first value of the first row of a result set, and discarding all other values and rows. It is otherwise identical to execute
See also get_first_row
static VALUE interrupt(VALUE self) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); sqlite3_interrupt(ctx->db); return self; }
Interrupts the currently executing operation, causing it to abort.
static VALUE last_insert_row_id(VALUE self) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); return LL2NUM(sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(ctx->db)); }
Obtains the unique row ID of the last row to be inserted by this Database
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 728 def load_extension(extension_specifier) if extension_specifier.respond_to?(:to_path) extension_specifier = extension_specifier.to_path elsif !extension_specifier.is_a?(String) raise TypeError, "extension_specifier #{extension_specifier.inspect} is not a String or a valid extension specifier object" end load_extension_internal(extension_specifier) end
Loads an SQLite extension library from the named file. Extension loading must be enabled using enable_load_extension
prior to using this method.
See also: SQLite Extensions at Database
- Parameters
: (String
) If aString
, it is the filesystem path to the sqlite extension file. If an object that responds to to_path, the return value of that method is used as the filesystem path to the sqlite extension file.
- Example
Using a filesystem path:
- Example
Using the sqlean gem:
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 215 def prepare sql stmt =, sql) return stmt unless block_given? begin yield stmt ensure stmt.close unless stmt.closed? end end
Returns a Statement
object representing the given SQL. This does not execute the statement; it merely prepares the statement for execution.
The Statement
can then be executed using Statement#execute
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 351 def query(sql, bind_vars = []) result = prepare(sql).execute(bind_vars) if block_given? begin yield result ensure result.close end else result end end
This is a convenience method for creating a statement, binding parameters to it, and calling execute:
result = db.query( "select * from foo where a=?", [5]) # is the same as result = db.prepare( "select * from foo where a=?" ).execute( 5 )
You must be sure to call close
on the ResultSet
instance that is returned, or you could have problems with locks on the table. If called with a block, close
will be invoked implicitly when the block terminates.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 684 def readonly? @readonly end
Returns true
if the database has been open in readonly mode A helper to check before performing any operation
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 677 def rollback execute "rollback transaction" true end
Rolls the current transaction back. If there is no current transaction, this will cause an error to be raised. This returns true
, in order to allow it to be used in idioms like abort? and rollback or commit
static VALUE set_statement_timeout(VALUE self, VALUE milliseconds) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); ctx->stmt_timeout = NUM2INT(milliseconds); int n = NUM2INT(milliseconds) == 0 ? -1 : 1000; sqlite3_progress_handler(ctx->db, n, rb_sqlite3_statement_timeout, (void *)ctx); return self; }
Indicates that if a query lasts longer than the indicated number of milliseconds, SQLite should interrupt that query and return an error. By default, SQLite does not interrupt queries. To restore the default behavior, send 0 as the ms
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 495 def step(*args) step_with_ctx(@ctx, *args) end
static VALUE total_changes(VALUE self) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); return INT2NUM(sqlite3_total_changes(ctx->db)); }
Returns the total number of changes made to this database instance since it was opened.
static VALUE trace(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; VALUE block; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &block); if (NIL_P(block) && rb_block_given_p()) { block = rb_block_proc(); } rb_iv_set(self, "@tracefunc", block); sqlite3_trace(ctx->db, NIL_P(block) ? NULL : tracefunc, (void *)self); return self; }
Installs (or removes) a block that will be invoked for every SQL statement executed. The block receives one parameter: the SQL statement executed. If the block is nil
, any existing tracer will be uninstalled.
# File lib/sqlite3/database.rb, line 645 def transaction(mode = nil) mode = @default_transaction_mode if mode.nil? execute "begin #{mode} transaction" if block_given? abort = false begin yield self rescue abort = true raise ensure abort and rollback or commit end else true end end
Begins a new transaction. Note that nested transactions are not allowed by SQLite, so attempting to nest a transaction will result in a runtime exception.
The mode
parameter may be either :deferred
, :immediate
, or :exclusive
. If ‘nil` is specified, the default transaction mode, which was passed to initialize, is used.
If a block is given, the database instance is yielded to it, and the transaction is committed when the block terminates. If the block raises an exception, a rollback will be performed instead. Note that if a block is given, commit
and rollback
should never be called explicitly or you’ll get an error when the block terminates.
If a block is not given, it is the caller’s responsibility to end the transaction explicitly, either by calling commit
, or by calling rollback
static VALUE transaction_active_p(VALUE self) { sqlite3RubyPtr ctx; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, &database_type, ctx); REQUIRE_OPEN_DB(ctx); return sqlite3_get_autocommit(ctx->db) ? Qfalse : Qtrue; }
Returns true
if there is a transaction active, and false